Thursday, October 14, 2004

what is it anyway?

I've just read the 3 girls blogs, and everybody seems to be feeling rather adrift these days. I wish I had the answer, but first I would have to know the question. Seriously, I don't remember having these problems. I admit to struggling with my future as a young married man with a family. I wanted so much to get out of the packing plant. I would anxiously wait until Sunday when I would pore over the jobs section of the want ads with a fine tooth comb, looking for the perfect job for me. We went through some hard times back then, but I always knew something better would come, and it always did. But not right away. In between the good jobs, there were many years of the tedious grind. Until I finally got the job I was always meant to do, sales. I was always amazed by the people in college who had their major picked as a freshman and were steadfast in their decision. I always thought, "what's wrong with me? How come I don't know what I want to do with my life?" But you know what? I think, really, most people are uncertain about their future and even about their goals. Heck, my goal was just to pay my bills each month for many years. Sounds dismal I know, but really, life is made up of many tiny victorys. Maybe paying your bills is the only one you'll get this month. It ain't all pretty or easy, but we just have to do the best we can every day, work hard every day, and good things will eventually come your way. Not overnight. Maybe not for years. But it will. When I worked at the car dealership I had a poster that hung over my fish tank. And eventually after many years, Bruce splashed water on it so many times that I had to throw it out. But I liked it and I read it many times. The title was "10 rules for a sucessful life". I don't remember any of the other rules but the first one. It said " Rule # 1- Marry the right person. 90 % of your happiness or unhappiness in life will be determined by your spouse". Maybe I was born lucky, but I think about that, and how lucky I was to find your mother.

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