Thursday, October 14, 2004

Rainy day Thursday

After weeks of gorgeous weather we have a rainy day. This will slow down the harvest a little so hopefully it is short lived. There isn't much new in my life today. Tomorrow is our Homecoming parade. It is very strange that we don't have any high school kids in our family anymore. It certainly takes the fun out of things. But we will have fun once we get going I'm sure. Our realtors are all going to dress up in black and walk behind the 41 handing out candy. The theme is occupations, so we are FBI. I bought little black hats and mirrored sunglasses for everyone. We will make the signs in the morning. Tomorrow we are also having a going away party for the secretary Lu. There are lots of changes in the air.
Kyla is going to be moving home on Monday. I think it is a good decision and even though she is dreading it, I think it will be fun. I guess I remember moving home and going to VoTech before I got married. It was a little weird. It doesn't feel the same as it did before I left for college. I felt detached and unsettled. And I think that is a good thing because it is just part of a transition. So I plan to make the best of it and enjoy our time together. Hopefully Greg and Kyla feel the same way. It seems kind of strange that all the ammon girls feel adrift these days. Hopefully it will be fun when all 4 kids are together in St. Paul this weekend. Greg and I aren't going up to visit until Sunday. That will give them time to see their friends and spend some time together without the rents. I'm hoping that we can spend some fun time together, but with us that is never a guaranty. Usually someone gets feisty before the day is up. Well that is enough for today. Toot to lou.

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