Thursday, October 07, 2004


I'm back. To paraphrase Kyla, Wyatt was right. It's easy to set up a blog, much harder to blog on a regular basis. I'm still fighting the feeling that no one is interested in what I'm thinking anyway, so what's the point? Maybe it'll seem more natural once I do it more often. At the risk of sounding like my dad, I have to report that it rained last night, and today is gray and gloomy, although the temp is mild. The soybean harvest is in full swing (until the rain) and the combines were going all over the country yesterday. I've been spending every spare minute lately working on the house in Garretson and things are progressing well. We've decided to keep this one so we're working on financing. It still comes as a blow to me when we talk about these things in relationship to my life span. I wanted to put it on a 30 yr. mortgage to keep the payments low. Jeannie lovingly reminded me I would be almost 79 yrs old before it was paid for. Wow. Even on a 15 yr mortgage, I'm still almost 64! Staggering! Where did my life go? It's been a great life, I just don't feel like I should be scheduling my mortgages to coincide with my retirement! Which may or may not happen at this point, I've learned not to take anything for granted. So, my philosophy for today at least, is plan for the future but live in the moment. Pretty original, huh? Sometimes I wonder if I've ever had an original thought in my life or if even my thoughts are somehow subconsiously lifted from something I've read or seen.

Today I had time to open my email, something I don't do on a daily basis and here were several emails from Wyatt, asking for help with a cancer fundraiser he's in charge of. Jeannie pledged some money from us. I feel kind of bad but it looks like it might be the bottom half of the 9th inning, I think it's scheduled for tonight. Not enough time to make any meaningful contacts, but here's the website- Good luck Wyatt. It's for an important cause. It seems like cancer touches everyone. My childhood neighbor on the farm, Ralph Lyman, passed on last week from cancer. He'd been fighting it for years. Although I've been gone from the Mitchell area since I was a kid, we kept in touch through my parents, and he bought a new pickup from me a few years ago. I feel real bad I wasn't able to make it for the funeral but we were in Rochester with Allie. Even though he had been sick for a while and his death wasn't a surprise, I still feel like I've lost a close friend.

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