Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Last weekend

Ginger and Wyatt made it home, or at least to the Cities, and it was a fun day. We stopped in Mankato and picked up Allie and got there about 1 pm. We did lots of fun things, went to an art museum, went bowling,ect. Not the usual go to the mall of america, which was fine by me. It turned out to be a long day though, cause we decided not to stay overnight Sunday, so after a good meal at Old Chicago, we tied the last remnant of the twins' college days, Wyatt's bed, to the pickup and headed west. I walked in the door at 4:07 am. That might seem crazy but I don't have a problem driving at night. I guess I'm lucky. We were up shortly after 8 am and off to work, but I must admit I was weary Monday night. The Garretson house saga continues. I worked over there yesterday again. Just once in my life I would like to build a new house from the ground up, where everything is straight and true. I enjoy doing the remodeling but it is very time intensive. Every day there is one day closer to being done, I keep telling myself. Today Jeannie is home getting ready for the big shindig tonight. She is hosting a women for John Thune rally tonight. Unfortunately, Johnny himself is going to be at a pancake feed at the Garretson American Legion so they'll have to settle for Kimberly, his wife. Somebody was going to prank us and put a bunch of Daschle signs in our yard but somebody squealed so now I'll have to stand guard.

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