Friday, April 28, 2006

Life's better on the beach

As promised, I'm updating my progress on the South Beach diet. It's been working well and I'm very satisfied with the results. I will admit that we're running out of groceries and since we're leaving for the weekend, I don't want to buy any more, so the menu selection is getting monotonous. That'll change next week when I move into phase 2 and start introducing some good carbs (like fruit) back into the mix. I'm pretty convinced by now my whole problem was sugar overload. When I cut out the sugar, I started to feel better almost immediately. It was rather amazing. I'll have another blood test in a couple months and see if my body agrees with what I've been feeding it lately. Anyway, I feel better and I'm down to 211 lbs this morning. Still flabby, but 12 lbs less flab than 2 weeks ago.
I'm excited for the weekend. We're leaving this afternoon for Duluth. Our youngest neice, Val, is getting confirmed on Sunday. We're staying at Kyla's apt. in the Cities tonight. Poor Sugar has to go to the kennel while we're gone. She's not happy about it either. Hopefully we'll get to tour the Glensheen Mansion while we're there and visit the harbor. Duluth is one of the coolest cities ever. Too bad it's so dang cold there! But still a great place to visit. That's all for now. Have a great weekend!


:lauren: said...

I'm so happy for you! Congrats on your first two weeks!

Anonymous said...

OK Greg, we need your update on your past wk. :)