Monday, May 09, 2005

Thanks.......I guess

Thanks Wyatt, I never realized my name was only 2 letters away from a cool nickname like Jeg. However I'm not so sure M will be as excited. It's scary (not really) to know you have the power to go in and alter my blog at any time , but I have no idea how to do it myself. That's why I'm a little nervous about online billpay, even though I do it all the time. I just don't think about the potential problems, which is the way I get through most troubling aspects of my life. Yesterday was Mother's Day and we had a fine little gathering at the house. Rather than go out to eat, which I have never liked to do on these special days, I volunteered to make the meal for the family. And with a little help, I pulled it off just fine. I wanted to bake a bone-in ham so I would have the bone left over for bean soup. Rummaging through the freezer I found a John Morrell E-Z cut ham, so opted to settle for that instead. So, baked ham, whipped potatoes w/gravy (yes, 10 lbs of real Idaho spuds. The gravy came from a packet though), green bean w/french fried onion cassarole, scalloped corn casserole, jellied cranberries, fresh bakery buns w/real butter and a relish tray that heavily favored the black olive section. It was swell eats, if I do say so myself. Topped off by Grandma's homemade rhubarb pies and ice cream, it was all I could've asked for. Luckily for me, the one that cooks, doesn't have to clean up. PS- I'm still suffering from the aftermath of the stupid giant tree I cut down. Now, all the gutters are full of the seeds and leaves from that thing, so when it rains, the rain just courses right over top of the gutters down to the ground. Next to the foundation. Where it can run down and penetrate my basement walls. And there is still sawdust everywhere outside, which gets tracked into the house constantly, which I can't vaccuum up because it's wet and the rain won't stop. But we need the rain, and I could've had the sawdust cleaned up before it started so I'll shut-up now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you mark the circle 'Other' anyone can leave a comment. It's what I'm doing right now and was the reason I switched back to the Blogger comments myself. They didn't have that before.
Anyway, that sounds yummy. My parents went to Greece for a week so we didn't celebrate Mother's Day. But we did make homemade pizza.