Friday, July 28, 2006

Finally Friday

I feel better, thanks, but not because it's cooled off. There will be record highs broken all over the state this weekend the way it sounds. Mom, Allie and I (and Sugar) are going to Mnpls. this weekend to take Kyla a new (to her) mattress and boxspring. Actually, it's our old mattress and boxspring but it's better than the one she's got, so it's getting re-gifted. Allie will get Kyla's and when she's done with it, it'll finally go to the dump. We like to get our moneys worth out of our bedding products.
I am the secretary at the office this morning. Christy has taken a long weekend to go camping with her family, and good for her. I hope the a/c works in their camper! My broker, Lee and his wife left last night on a weekend motorcycle trip. Friday's are always busy here at the office but I feel up to manning the fort alone today. Busy=time flys by fast.
Uncle Brian from Mitchell is building me a small trailer to pull behind my motorcycle for the Sturgis trip. The more I thought about it, the more I wasn't comfortable with trying to strap 2 tents, 2 sleeping bags, 2 bedmats, 2 softsider bags and more probably, onto my motorcycle. We'd look like we belonged in the circus. Trailer is the way to go, I hope. I've never pulled one with a bike before, but lots of people do. It will also have room for a small cooler and lawn chairs too. We'll be all set! 12 days to blast-off!
Have a great weekend!

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