Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Beach Bum

I told you all a while back I was going on the South Beach diet and if it didn't work, you'd never hear another word about it. Well, like anything else in life, the end result is directly equal to the amount of effort that's applied. Since I started strong but faded on the back-stretch, I am stuck at 196 lbs. Much better than where I started but not where we need to be. I'm not discouraged or disgusted, I'm just in a holding pattern. I just have to be super vigilant about not gaining it back. One of these days I will find my motivation and go after those last 10 lbs. Until then, I will continue to walk past the Wells Blue Bunny Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream, 2 half-gallons on sale for $5. I can't have any ice cream and cookies, can I johnandleeann????????

The political campaign is picking up steam slowly. Last Sat. we were in 2 parades, the first in Colton , the second in Canistota. They couldn't have been more different. Colton's parade route was 3 blks long, packed with people, and done real quick. Canistota on the other hand, wants to get their moneys worth, once they get you to town. The parade route had to be 3 miles long. Some blocks there were only 2 spectators. We quickly realized that we were the only entry that had parade walkers. Everyone else was riding on a float or 4 wheeler. OK, now I get it, it's 103F and poor Grandma and Jeannie are losing ground fast. They hung in there like troopers though and we made it through. We enjoyed a cool lunch in the cafe across from the world-famous Ortman Clinic.

Work continues to be busy, which is a good thing. Winter will be here soon enough. Kyla and I leave for Sturgis in 20 days, which will fly by in the blink of an eye. I am excited for the trip and hope she won't be disappointed. It's been a long time since we've been camping together in a tent, but it must be done, in order to experience the consumate Sturgis. Unfortunately, no campfires. The Black Hills are always tinder dry this time of year, so there's always a fire ban. North Dakota is half burned up already. It is scary dry here, and worse by the day.


Anonymous said...

Yes, we're riding there, and of course we each get our own tent, plus our own portable shower, refridgerator and recliner.

Here's the rule of motorcycle camping-
1)Make 2 piles on the kitchen floor. In the first pile, put all the clothes and equipment you think you'll need for the trip. In the second pile, put all the money you think you'll need for the trip.
2) Half the first pile and double the second pile and you'll come out about perfect.

As far as the snoring goes- you are going to have Harleys riding past literally inches from your head all night long. You'll never hear me!

:lauren: said...

fridges and recliners? wow.

Anonymous said...

You two are going to have so much fun at Sturgis! Kyla if you havent talked to Ginger about what I told her--give her a call. :) Maybe youll see my family while you are there. (you cant miss lindsey she looks like me!--you know--super cute!) hahahhahaaaaaa Travel Safe and have fun!!!!

Warrior said...

We have the answer for you to get rid of that excess weight and keep it off , it's all at

It's your choice & good luck beach bum!

Best regards Pete.