Tuesday, November 01, 2005

OK, still not a mechanic....

but I don't need to be with friends like this. Kyla came home last weekend with a two-fold purpose- get her brakes fixed and Tim's confirmation. The estimate that she got in the Cities was $634. Total cost for the same job here in SD? $85 and a case of Miller Lite. Thank you, Anthony Oberg.
On a totally non-related note, last night was Halloween. We've always geared up with a nice display and lots of candy. I think we were the only house on our block with the lights on though, so business was slow. Maybe 40 kids????? So, lots of left-overs, which nobody residing at my house needs to be tempted with. I hope I never turn into such a curmudeon that I find it neccesary to either leave the house or sit there in the dark, just so I don't have to hand out candy. Man, I just don't understand some people. I hope they use the money they saved on candy to upgrade to the ultra-plush velveteen lining in their casket. Then all the penny-pinching will've been worth it.


Anonymous said...

Miller Lite? I would have felt insulted. So if I ever fix your bike, better make it some tasty beer.

asdf said...

That's good that Kyla got her car fixed. Who's Anthony Oberg?