Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Big Five-Oh

On Nov. 12th, I celebrated my 50th birthday. I think that's a pretty important milestone, having achieved it. Somehow, it just happens. You get up, go to work every day, struggle to pay the bills. One day you realize that you're old...OK, I'm gonna stop right there. I am not old. I'm only 50, and to those of you who can't even imagine saying that, well, not too long ago, I was you. The years, they do fly by. I have no regrets and feel the best part of my life is yet to come. Now, let me tell you about my birthday surprise. I'd already let my feelings be known about celebrating my 50th. No big blow-out, just a family dinner at my house. I was certain Jeannie would honor my wishes so with no agenda, I rolled out of the sack last Monday morning. "Don't forget, you promised to go look at that house with me this morning", my bride reminded me as I ate breakfast. "Better hurry, we're going to meet the inspector there". I showered quickly and we jumped in the car and headed south. "Now go down Minnesota Ave, it's the fastest route". OK, I drive down Minnesota. "Now turn into the airport." You're kidding me right? Why would I want to turn in there? "The guy that rents the house has the only key and he works at the ticket counter at the airport." OK, whatever. "Now turn into long-term parking." I refuse to turn into long-term parking. I will park in front and you can run in and get the key. I highly doubt I'll get arrested as a terrorist if I park in front of the airport for 5 minutes. "No, you don't understand. You HAVE to park in long term parking. We're flying to Las Vegas for your birthday!" Now I ask you- is that a good woman or what?? After the initial shock wore off, I was elated. And we had the greatest time ever. But no more time to write now, I'll tell you about it next time.

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