Monday, October 03, 2005

Autumn is here

It's Monday morning, typical Monday, stuff has to be set in motion for the rest of the week to fall together. It was a fun weekend, for the first wwekend in Oct. On Sat., J & I rode the Harley to Big Stone City to see her dad. I took a different road, one I'd never been on before so I guess you could say it was the one less traveled. ;-) The wind was strong from the south but it blew us all the way up, what a nice, leisurely relaxing ride. Of course we had to pay for it on the way home. But my only goal was to be home by dark so 60-65 was all the faster I rode. Pushing that fairing into a stiff wind is tough, like pushing a wall. Yesterday J & I drove to Mitchell to spend the day at Deb & Brians. We ate tons (baked ham &cheesy hashbrowns) watched the Viqueens lose to the Falcons, drove out to see Erik & Joleens new acreage. It is located south of Mt. Vernon, so it's a ways out but what a cool place. Really nice ranch house with hardwood floors, huge machine shed, barn, grainery, lays nice, they are really lucky. If they hadn't been working with a Realtor, they never would've gotten it. She called them and they bought it before it ever got on the market.
The last interesting thing that has been happening lately is our Norwegian exchange student, Amalie. She is having issues with waking up in the morning for school. As in, about 3 days out of 5, she over sleeps. So Kristin sits in the driveway and honks the horn, while Amalie slumbers. It is starting to tick me off. She refuses to use the alrm clock, and I refuse to wake her up. I never woke any of my own kids up for school, and I ain't going to start with this one. Which I've told her several times. So, I'm sure it'll resolve itself, it really doesn't concern me, so I'm just going to stand back and see what happens. Kristin will get tired of coming in the house and waking her up, is my guess.

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