Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Yep, hi, it's me

I don't really know how to explain my absence for the last couple months so I won't try. Suffice it to say this- I always thought when I was younger that when I reached this certain point in my life, things would become easier. I don't exactly remember when I thought the point was going to be reached, just that all the things that were weighing me down, causing me grief, stopping me from realizing my full potential, ect. ect., would all pass by the wayside if I was just patient enough. I'll never see 49 again and I've come to the shocking (at least to me) truth that problems, trials and tribulations never go away, no matter what your age. They are just replaced by different problems. So, having said all that, here is my philosophy for today- "There is no such thing as a normal life. There is just life". Enjoy it then.

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