Thursday, April 21, 2005

More clouds

We've seen the nicest day of the week yesterday. Today dawns cloudy with an 80% chance of rain this afternoon. If everyday was nice we wouldn't appreciate them I guess. I had a meeting with my fiinancial planner this morning. It was really kind of a joke, I'm sure not to him, but to me. And he's really a very nice, earnest young man who I'm sure has my best interests at heart, but let's face it. Over the last 20 years of saving, I could've probably gotten as good a return by burying it in a cream can in the back yard. Still though, hope springs eternal and my goal at this point is preservation of capital. I've given up on the hope of ever actually making a return. My favorite investment vehicle is the Vangaard Fund group. I have a Vangaard S&P 500 Index fund. It exactly mirrors the S&P 500, so you can look in the paper everyday and see how your investment is doing. The really nice thing is the price. Since we are not paying some "guru" to try and outguess the market, the costs are low, I think .02%. Which is pretty cheap, compare that to the expenses charged by managed funds, sometimes 5-6 %. Now you got to make 13-14% to end up with 8%. It's all a shell game anyway, and at the rate I spend money, I've got enough saved right now to last me approx. 3 months of retirement. "Most of my money I spent on booze, women and motorcycles. The rest of it I wasted".

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