Sunday, September 26, 2004

Beautiful Fall Day!!

Good morning! This is my favorite type of day; the clearest bluest sky with the changing color leaves set against it and clean crisp air. I took a little walk last night after dark. Truth be known I had to go out on the sidewalk to see how cute my screen porch looked with the big round light and hanging candles lit, and decided it was so nice I should take a walk. That was while I was waiting for Greg to get back. Hey at least I made the best of it instead of getting irritated. Anyway it was refreshing and I was reminded that I need to step out of my normal routine more often. I realized how often I get stuck in a certain mind set of living. It seems like I limit myself without even knowing it. Not is big ways but small ones. Small routines that keep my days on a kind of treadmill of living. And since it seems to work and life is easy I don't venture off and really experience life. So I have decided each day I am going to do something out of the ordinary, even if it is just a very small thing. I don't know what it will be today, but I resolve to do it. LIFE IS SHORT! I challenge anyone reading this to do the same and let me know what happens. Take the time, each moment is only spent once, then it is gone forever!

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