Saturday, September 25, 2004

Another wasted day

Yes, today was one of those days that really we wait all year for. I had plans and plans and more plans for all I was going to get done today. And guess what? Only about 10% of what I had planned actually got accomplished. But hey, I spent as much of it outside as I could, even if an hour of it was leaning against the side of the pickup, shooting the bull with the boys from Dell Rapids Chevrolet Pontiac. I stopped in to pay my bill and sales were slow so it was a)hard to get away or b)easy to stay, depending on your viewpoint. I prefer easy to stay, so I did. Anyway, from there it was a date with the lawn grooming eqiupment since they hadn't seen the light of day for awhile. The hurricanes must've forced rain up here from the Gulf cause it seems like a long time since I've seen the sun. Mowing the lawn was enjoyable, just to be outside. Once I was done here, it was off to Garretson to do lawn work on the house we bought at auction this spring. It'd been awhile since I'd been there and the lawn showed it. I rounded the corner of the house on the mower and what the??? Ahuge branch, nay, half the tree had fallen on top of the garage. Wow. That's another full day cutting that up and hauling it out, time spent I hadn't anticipated. The clever neighbor next door hollered over and asked if I knew where he could find some fire-wood. I wanted to suggest he start burning his shack that passes for his house, but wisely kept my council to myself. At 6:35 I bailed off the mower and raced back to Dells with my little trailer full of grass in tow, to show a house at 7 pm to this young client I'm working with. He wanted to show his folks and I don't blame him but I hadn't planned on cutting it this close. Screech to a halt in front of the door with grass clipping flying at 7:01 and sure enough, they're waiting. Being late for appointments is kind of my pet peeve. I don't like it and I was mad at myself for cutting it so close, but why is it, whenever I'm late the other party is always early? Frustrating! An hour and a half later they left, reassured that their young cherub was in capable hands. I'm finally able to answer just about any of the FAQ. There is so much to this business you will never learn from a book. It will only be learned from doing it, again and again. Or from screwing up so badly it's seared into your memory. Fortunately, I've managed to avoid looking too incompetant, at least I hope so. Driving home from the showing, all I can think about is FOOD. I walk in the door and what do I smell? Candles. Jeannie has decided to have another seance and has decided to fast, as well. When she suggests the late movie, I readily agree to hot buttered popcorn for supper. The movie was "Cellular" and I highly recommend it. 2 thumbs up, 4 stars, whatever. Well, maybe not 4 stars but it was pretty darn good. I won't give away the plot but anything with Kim Bassinger, William H. Macy and Jessica Beil (that doesn't look right, Beal maybe) the girl from Seventh Heaven anyhow, has got to be OK. AND, I am making a prediction right here and now. Tom Cruise, you're history, Brad Pitt, slide over cause CHRIS EVANS is gonna eat your lunch from here on out. Remember you heard it here first.

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