Wednesday, November 03, 2004


This has been a very upsetting and hectic past week for me for numerous reasons. The only reason that is going to be mentioned here however is my mother's accident. Monday she fell in the garage backwards off the steps and landed on her head. Hard. Luckily, Dad was right inside the door when it happened and called 911. She was unconsious. After a brief exam in the Mitchell hospital, they decided to transport her by ambulance to Sioux Valley hospital in Sioux Falls. Deb rode with her and Dad and I followed in his van and Jeannie in the car. It appears that the only significant effect so far is the inability to use her left hand. They have started her on rehab and the neurologist seems unconcerned so we are hoping this will pass as the swelling in her brain goes down. Very scary stuff. Lots of prayers were said, and more are needed for a speedy recovery. Thanks to everybody for your prayers.

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