Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm buying a cow

Today I went to the store to buy milk because Tuesday is "cheap" milk day. I grabbed a gallon jug and headed for the checkouts. "$4.56" she requested. After clutching at my chest and staggering around she informed me I had Land O' Lakes milk, which was not on sale. So after making the switch to the store brand, my milk only cost me $3.57. Is that not outrageous? I wonder how much of that goes to the farmer???????? maybe .50 cents? Somebody once said there's 2 cents worth of corn in a box of Corn Flakes. It's crazy.


asdf said...

How are you bug bites, dad? Mine are still horrible!

Greg said...

Mine turned out to actually be chigger bites which I'm treating with Chiggerid. Luckily they don't itch too badly.

Ginger Ammon said...

Lately I've only been buying Silk soy milk with added fiber. One cup has 20% of the daily value of fiber, and cos it's sweet, it makes non-sugared cereals more palatable. But don't expect it to taste like cow's milk. At all.