Monday, January 31, 2005

I Hate Computers!

Geez, I just finished a nice long post and somehow when I was running spell check the whole thing was lost. So much for that news. I refuse to rewrite what I just wrote. So this one will be short and sweet. How are you? We are fine.

Quote for today:
Our spirits belong to the eternal world - but as animals we inhabit time.
To be in time means to change.
Humans live in time, but GOD destines them to eternity.
He therefore wants them to attend to chiefly two things....
ETERNITY itself and to that point in time called PRESENT.
For the PRESENT is the point in time in which time touches ETERNITY.
Of the present moment, and of it only, we have an experience analogous to the experience which GOD has of reality as a whole, in it alone freedom and actuality are offered us. -paraphrased from CS Lewis, The Screwtape Letters.

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