Monday, July 24, 2006

Not much, but thanks for asking.......

I hate to let my blog sit idle, but I also hate it that I don't have anything exciting or frankly, even interesting to blog about. Life just seems to trudge uneasily along, we walk around the house and each other, vaguely uneasy, never fully relaxed or at ease, carefully choosing our words. I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I feel like I should be somewhere else, doing something, but I don't know what it is. I feel like I should work all the time, because then I don't have to think about what my life has or is becoming. And I can't even define what I am becoming. I feel like I'm being pulled along by lifes changes while I stand by helplessly on the sidelines, watching everything unfold. My jaws hurt from unconciously clenching my teeth. I exhort to everyone to move on with their lives, and I'm seemingly unable to myself. It's hard to remain optomistic. My mom is not well. My kids aren't happy. My wife is not happy. I feel powerless to change any of it. I feel like Jack Nicholsen in "About Schmidt". Not many of you faithful readers have seen this movie, I'll wager. It wasn't a big hit. But it tells the story of a man that, even at the end of his life, is struggling to find purpose and meaning in his very existence. The movie won't make you feel good. But just the fact that other people have the same questions is a comfort in it's own way, I guess. Rent it sometime and tell me what you think about it. I don't follow such things, but Nicholsen should've won as Oscar for this role.


Anonymous said...

Wow, in between a rock and a hard place. I wish there were some way to take the Ammon's pain just for one day so they could live free... just for one day. This reply is nothing more than a thank you to both of you Greg and Jeannie for being such inspirations in the Dells community. NO ONE could have gone through what you've been through and still had the ambition to get on with life. even though it may not seem like much, you two are making leaps and bounds in the right direction. Your lives touch hundreds of people around you whom you'll never know. Believe me, your lives have a higher purpose and your living it to the best of your ability. I applaud you.

Anonymous said...

completly agree with the above statement. tragedy happens daily to people everywhere, and so many of us have suffered losses..The way you all are dealing with it, is a testament of how strong you all are (even if you don't see, we see it in you) hard days, sad days, you keep going. we can see your pain in your writtings, and our hearts break with yours. and at the same time we can see the strength and the love you have for each other. Hang onto each other and know that you are making a difference in other peoples lives.

Ali & Andrew said...

About Schmidt - Great Movie!!! I'm glad to hear you've seen it. I think my favorite part is when he's writing the letters to the African child. "Dear Ndugu"... I really enjoy a movie that can provoke such strong emotions (you're right, it definitely doesn't make you "feel good") without being cheesy or corny. On another note, have fun at the rally...I'm jealous!