Saturday, June 04, 2005

June 4, 1977

28 years ago today me and the missus was gettin' hitched. That's right, today's our anniversary. I wish I could say the day dawned bright and sunny and we had morning coffee on the deck while gazing lovingly into each others eyes, but that would be a lie. Instead, the day dawned like Seattle in November, which is to say, there wasn't a dawn, per se, just a gradual lightening of the sky to the point where you could discern that the pounding on the roof was a torrential downpour and not neighborhood squirrels running amok. We did have a fine celebratory breakfast of Belgian waffles and coffee, snug in our jammies while we watched the rain. I wish I had the formula for our longevity, but it's not one thing, it's so many things put together. Patience, perseverence, trust and respect. Everything else will take care of itself. It hasn't always been easy, but it's always been worth it. Once I had a poster titled " 10 Rules for a Successful Life". Rule #1 was "Marry the right person. They will determine 90% of your future happiness and success". Truer words were never spoken. Best of Luck to all those still searching, and remember to never settle. "You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, "My God, you're right! I never would've thought of that!" Dave Barry


asdf said...

Mom and Dad, so sorry that I forgot your anniversary! I knew it was June 4th too. Well, hope you had a great day!

asdf said...

Dad, I just read on the MSN homepage that GM plans to cut 25,000 jobs by 2008.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed wishing you both a Happy Anniversary!